Sweet Memories
なつかしい痛みだわ ずっと前に忘れていた
でもあなたを見たとき 時間だけ後戻りしたの
幸福と聞かないで 嘘つくのは上手じゃない
友だちならいるけど あんなには燃えあがれなくて
失った夢だけが 美しく見えるのは何故かしら
過ぎ去った優しさも今は 甘い記憶 Sweet Memories
Don't kiss me baby we can never be
So don't add more pain please don't hurt me again
I have spent so many nights thinking of you
Longing for your touch I have once loved you so much
あの頃は若過ぎて 悪戯に傷つけあった二人
色褪せた哀しみも今は 遠い記憶 Sweet Memories
⇩I Feel The Earth Move
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you're around
Oh baby When I see your face
Mellow as the month of May
Oh darling I cant stand it
When you look at me that way
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you're around
Oh darling When you're near me
And you tenderly call my name
I know that, My emotions
Are something I just can't tame
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you're around
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down tumbling down
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down tumbling down
I just lose control
Down to my very soul
I get hot and cold all over all over ...
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you're around
Fly Me to the Moon
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a, Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, Darling, kiss me
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
In other words, hold my hand. In other words ,darling kiss me
Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words
I love you
How Insensitive
How insensitive
I must have seemed
When she told me that she loved me
How unmoved and cold
I must have seemed
When she told me so sincerely
Why she must have asked
Did I just turn and stare in icy silence
What was I to say
What can you say
When a love affair is over
Now she's gone away
And I'm alone
With a memory of her last look
Vague and drawn and sad
I see it still
All her heartbreak in that last look
How she must have asked
Could I just turn and stare in icy silence
What was I to do
What can one do
When a love affair is over
What was I to do
What can one do
When a love affair is over
So Nice
Someone to hold me tight
That would be very nice
Someone to love me right
That would be very nice
Someone to understand
Each little dream in me
Someone to take my hand
And be a team with me
So nice, life would be so nice
If one day I'd find
Someone who would take my hand
And samba through life with me
Someone to cling to me
Stay with me right or wrong
Someone to sing to me
Some little samba song
Someone to take my heart
And give his heart to me
Someone who's ready to
Give love a start with me
Oh yeah, that would be so nice
Shouldn't we, you and me?
I can see it could be nice
So close your eyes, for thats a lovely way to be
Aware of things your heart alone was meant to see
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together
You can't deny, don't try to fight the rising sea
Don't fight the moon, the stars above and don't fight me
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together
When I saw you first the time was half past three,
When your eyes met mine it was eternity
By now we know the wave is on its way to be
Just catch that wave don't be afraid of loving me
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together
When I saw you first the time was half past three
When your eyes met mine it was eternity
By now we know the wave is on its way to be
Just catch that wave, don't be afraid of loving me
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together
Make It Mutual
A quiet moment making my footprints on the sand.
A sweet feeling comes surrounding me.
It's delirious.
Now that's a sugar rush.
My heart is beating oh so fast, And I dun wanna fall too deep but I want to make it last
There's no need to rush.
We can take our time.
Let it go the natural way.
We begin as friends?
And who knows what?
Where this could be taking me
In this nice cool breeze.
Yes I am all at ease.
When I gush.
And this sweet feeling comes to me.
Can't deny, can't lie, can't really face the truth.
And I wonder if you're feeling the same way too
You know what I would like?
I'd like to get to know you more.
Make that mutual.
Boy, you know you wanna know me too
This is how you make me feel.
When you're here, I feel your vibe, And I hope I don't fall into deep too fast
You're not the type, Who'll rush into things.
And let it slip away.
Yeah, I like your type.
Caught up in this ride.
It's kinda silly but I'll say
In this nice cool breeze, Yes I am all at ease.
When I gush.
And this sweet feeling comes to me.
Can't deny, can't lie, can't really face the truth.
And I wonder if you're feeling the same way too
Girl from Ipanema
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking and
When she passes each one
She passes goes - ah
When she walks, she's like a samba that
Sways so cool and so gently that
When she passes each one
She passes goes - ah
Oh, But he watch her so sadly
How can he tell her he loves her
Yes, he would give his heart gladly
But each day as she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at he
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking and
When she passes he smiles
But she doesn't see
So dance so samba
So dance so samba
Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye
So dance so samba
So dance so samba
So dance so samba
So dance so samba
Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye
So dance so samba
So dance so samba
Oh, But he watch her so sadly
How can he tell her that he loves her
Yes, he would give his heart gladly
But each day when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at he
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking and
When she passes he smiles
But she doesn't see
But she doesn't see
But she doesn't see
But she doesn't see
One Note Samba
This is just a little samba
Built upon a single note
Other notes are bound to follow
But the root is still that note
Now this new note is the consequence of the one we've just been through
As I'm bound to be the unavoidable consequence of you
There's so many people who can talk and talk and talk
And just say nothing or nearly nothing
I have used up all the scale I know and at the end I've come
To nothing or nearly nothing
So I come back to my first note as I must come back to you
Any one who wants the whole show dó-ré-mi-fá-sol-lá-ti-dó
He will find himself with no show better play the note you know
This is just a little samba.
Built on one single note.
My Favorite Things
Raindrops on roses
And whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles
And warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages
Tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
Cream colored ponies
And crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells
And schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with
The moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things
Girls in white dresses
With blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on
My nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters
That melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things
When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
不變 Unchanging
你沒有猜錯 這是我的手
不是別人的 沒錯
請你看著我 眼神不要閃躲
我想說 聽我說 卻說不出口
你想說 卻沒說 是誰在退縮
任由淚水 把笑容淹沒
如果說 愛來過 我們都沈默
如果說 這個夢 從今沒有以後
你知不知道 其實我沒改變
你知不知道 我還對你思念
你知不知道 愛你的我不變
不管這世界 又換了季節
有一種愛 瞞不過雙眼
我相信你總會 發現
我想說 聽我說 卻說不出口
你想說 卻沒說 是誰在退縮
任由淚水 把笑容淹沒
如果說 愛來過 我們都沈默
如果說 這個夢 從今沒有以後
你知不知道 其實我沒改變
你知不知道 我還對你思念
你知不知道 愛你的我不變
不管這世界 又換了季節
有一種愛 瞞不過雙眼
我相信你總會 發現
你知不知道 其實我沒改變
你知不知道 我還對你思念
你知不知道 愛你的我不變
不管這世界 又換了季節
有一種愛 瞞不過雙眼
我相信你總會 發現
有一種愛 騙不過自己
我相信我們都 發現
別再擔心我什麼了 別把我寵壞
只要你平安回來 就夠浪漫
不怕明天的世界 會變成怎樣
轉載來自 魔鏡歌詞網
每天看見你笑臉 我就心安
不管外面的世界 想變成怎樣
我們還有我們的 小小天堂
我有你放在心上 生命就有了重量
一起看海枯石爛 一起等地老天荒
慢慢愛 不慌不忙
我有你守在身旁 眼睛就可以勇敢
就算真海枯石爛 就算已地老天荒
還相愛 就沒遺憾(不遺憾)
等等 Waiting
讓眼淚 等一等 看會不會變笑容
讓情話等一等 也許更像承諾
痛快太快也許要等等 才不痛
陪心花 想清楚 再點火
等一等 才會懂 (在)等甚麼
讓笑聲 等一等 那些真正的快樂
讓承諾 等一等 傳說中的永恆
痛快會痛不如再等等 確定不會弄錯
陪心花 想清楚 再點火
等一等 才會懂 (在)等甚麼
別認錯 你和我
陪心花 想清楚 再點火
等一等 才會懂 等甚麼
對了,我錯了 After the hurt
對了 我錯得太厲害
把個性變任性 讓你離開
我愛你 以為就夠慷慨
所以一直需索 你的關懷
我變 變成另一個人就合得來
我怕 你會比我變得更快
讓自己裝可愛 愛到這樣更悲哀
讓自己更可愛 愛我的人在不在
錯了 想再變成一對
就像爬上懸崖 再摔下來
你當時 能賣的都出賣
不知還誰的債 就像我現在
活該 要悔改比分開還要難捱
我該 怎麼證明我值得愛
讓自己裝可愛 愛到這樣更悲哀
讓自己更可愛 愛我的人在不在
讓自己裝可愛 愛到這樣更悲哀
讓自己更可愛 愛我的人在不在
讓自己裝可愛 愛到這樣更悲哀
讓自己更可愛 愛我的人在不在
同化 Together in Love
我 本來怕 在大熱天出門妝都被融化
居然 肯陪你在球場上
你 本來怕 寵物會佔據你自由的時光
結果 還是陪著我忙
我 不再慌 不在愛的時候留扇逃生窗
學你 完全釋放渴望
你 從倔強 慢慢變得溫柔成熟懂退讓
肯為了 走得更遠學會體諒
愛是同化 是互相的影響
把稜角磨光 更能緊靠在 身旁
愛是同化 有一樣的嚮往
在黑夜相擁 能讓眼光像 晨光
當 別人說 我們外表動作都越來越像
嘴裡 否認甜蜜在臉上
幸福記號 The Pursuit of Happiness
明明 就是在眼前
卻碰不到 卻看不見
呼吸 快貼近耳邊
才轉過身 卻已消失不見…
愛像個謎 愛是個夢
是冥冥中 早約定的相擁
我總是猜 某個角落
有一個你 正對著我 在回答…
就暫時 分頭努力吧
像種子在土裡 掙扎
我相信 時間一對 愛就萌芽
不害怕風雨 來敲打
也許有一點點 牽掛
只有幸福 才是真不能 放下
我知道 你聽得見
不管多輕 不管多遠
我總覺得 某個角落
有一個你 正對著我 在回答 ~
暫時 分頭努力吧
種子在土裡 掙扎
我相信 時間一對 愛就萌芽
不害怕風雨 來敲打
儘管有點點 牽掛
只有幸福 真不能 放下
A Love Theme
I love you I love you I love you I do
I love you I love you I love you I do
I love you I love you I love you I do
I love you I love you I love you I do
I love you I love you I love you I do
I can see the colours in your eyes
My feelings arise
And the mirror catches on to what
We feel deep inside
Playing off the colours in your eyes
Underneath the starry skies
I don't have to ever make believe
As the gaze turns wide and bright
Baby the smile you see
It's everything I want it to be
I know just how I feel
This is how it should always be
You have always been a nice surprise
Of sorts for me
Baby baby you make me believe
In all my dreams
You don't ever have to second guess
Right now I do confess
When I think of love I think of you
Now you know I want you too
Baby the smile you see
It's everything I want it to be
I know just how I feel
This is how it should always be
Baby the smile you see
It's everything I want it to be
I know just how I feel
This is how it should always be
I'm falling into the stars
I catch me a shooting star
And I place it near my heart
This love won't come apart
I love you I love you I love you I do
I love you I love you
Baby the smile you see
It's everything I want it to be
I know just how I feel
This is how it should always be
Baby the smile you see
It's everything I want it to be
I know just how I feel
This is how it should always be
Ready for Love
可 能 是 電 梯 裡 面 他 撞 翻 我 的 Latte
聽 他 道 歉 半 個 月 還 聽 不 膩
又 或 許 關 系 遙 遠 是 朋 友 朋 友 的 同 學
躲 雨 碰 見 後 再 陸 續 躲 進 電 影 院
要 擦 過 多 少 肩 才 冒 出 三 丈 粉 紅 火 焰
我 等 待 我 淪 陷 某 個 時 間 人 物 和 地 點
Oh I'm
Ready For Love 憑 直 覺 預 感
心 開 出 花 瓣 就 值 得 培 養 灌 溉
Ready For Love 趁 未 來 未 來
打 動 我 靈 魂 牽 手 去 瀏 覽
Ba... 準 備 被 理 智 出 賣
Ba... 趕 快 被 浪 漫 打 敗
他 愛 不 愛 逛 書 店 對 心 理 學 涉 不 涉 獵
懂 不 懂 應 付 我 偶 爾 無 害 的 善 變
要 擦 過 多 少 肩 才 冒 出 三 丈 粉 紅 火 焰
我 等 待 我 淪 陷 某 個 時 間 人 物 和 地 點
Oh I'm
Ready For Love 憑 直 覺 預 感
心 開 出 花 瓣 就 值 得 培 養 灌 溉
Ready For Love 趁 未 來 未 來
打 動 我 靈 魂 牽 手 去 瀏 覽
Ba... 準 備 被 理 智 出 賣
Ba... 趕 快 被 浪 漫 打 敗
Ba... 準 備 被 理 智 出 賣
Ba... 趕 快 被 浪 漫 打 敗
You and Me
Taking a trip down memory lane
Things have changed one thing remains
That they will always have each other
And even though those days have gone
They know here is where they belong
Theres some kind of magic in the air
Feel the warmth
that only summer breezes can bring
Sweet little notes of spring begin
Nothing to fear
Taking one step at a time walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4 Cheek to cheek
And theyre learning how to do the dance
Let this love be forevermore they say
I wish for this to be true for you and me
Holding her close he leading the way
Out at the park enjoying the day
And you can tell theyll be okay
Feel the warmth
that only summer breezes can bring
Sweet little notes of spring begin
Nothing to fear
Taking one step at a time walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4 Cheek to cheek how to do the dance
Let this love be forevermore they say
I wish for this to be true for you and me
Taking one step at a time walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4 Cheek to cheek
And theyre learning how to do the dance
Let this love be forevermore they say
I wish for this to be true for you and me
To be true for you and me
To be true for you and me
You and me
You and me
Close to You
Why do birds suddenly appear?
Every time you are near
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you
Why do stars fall down from the sky?
Every time you walk by
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you
On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue
That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you
On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue
That is why all the girls in town (girls in town)
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you
Just like me
They long to be
Close to you
Ooh, close to you (close to you)
Close to you (close to you)
Close to you (close to you)
Close to you (close to you)
Close to you
Close to you
Close to you
Invisible Wings
Here I am I’m always trying to be strong
When I’m hurt I won’t shed a tear
I’d rather sing a song
I will sing of a pair of invisible wings
That will take all my fears away
I won’t think about what others have that I don’t
Coz’ I see that I desire to make this path my own
I’ll put on a pair of invisible wings
And it will take me to higher heights
I’ll take flight and there I see my dreams
They lay ahead
(And) No longer will I be afraid
Close my eyes
And I can feel the winds beneath my wings
It is the voice that will carry me through
I have hope that I will find myself, in a better place
You and I will take this journey walking hand in hand
And I know I have a pair of invisible wings
To guide me through this race
I’ll take flight and there I see my dreams
They lay ahead
(And) No longer will I be afraid
Close my eyes
And I can feel the winds beneath my wings
It is the voice that will carry me through
All my hopes and dreams shall be everlasting
As I take flight on invisible wings