PART 1 | 優美的深度貝斯
Onycs | Timeless
F0x3r | Deep Rain
Fyze | Wanderer
Andy Leech | Skylight
VonnBoyd | After Midnight
E.lementaL | Soul Inside
LowXY | Changes
PART 2 | 優美的深度貝斯
Almost Vanished | Discernment
Randloev | Thoughts
Grandyzer | Before Dawn
Vesky | Living With Ghosts
Vesky | Thinking Of You
Vesky | Regret
PART 3 | 優美的深度貝斯
The Ambientalist | Mysteries Unfold
Sublab | Until We're Gone Forever
AK | Discovery
Jay Mellock | Clouds
Ptr. | Genesis
Outlier | Tales of the Future
Nomyn | Promise
PART 4 | 優美的深度貝斯
Colin McAllister | Together
Hakou | Crescent
aLone | Farewell
LeSage & J Whitty | Affinity
LowXY | Triumph and Loss
Aether | Should Have Known
Lazarus Moment | Magnetic Flower