Through My Blood
Am I still in the glum nightmare?
Or am I mere stoned?
Tiny bit of reason still remains in my right hand
That power of ache will just keep me alive
Can't touch nothing 'bout the world
But the truth almost has revealed
Then smash out the future told
It's time to end these miseries
Latch off my vagus nerve
What color is my blood... Red, black or white?
Now I'm getting ready
Oh, where are my frenemies?
If I got to lose control
Will you kill me first?
Deep rooted anger still remains in my right hand
That power of ache will just keep me alive
Can't touch nothing 'bout the world
But the truth almost has revealed
Then smash out the future told
It's time to end these miseries
Latch off my vagus nerve
What color is my blood... Red, black or white?
Now I'm getting ready
Oh, where are my frenemies?
Have I gone so mad?
The pain's though my blood
Before My Body Is Dry | Non Rap Version
In the dusty basement where we met
May you surprised so much
Because you're talking now
I gotta find the truth from many fights
But I'm alone, you're the only one who can help me out
We'll be as one
We're ready to fight, look over there
They try to kill us for stars
Our bond has got much stronger than before
Don't lose your way in your mind
We have to be as one
Don't be afraid my sweetheart
This is the way to be more strong
Harbor my deep secret, makes me so blue
Run through this game before my body is dry
So it seems there's no other choice but to go all out
Stay with me and let's stand out
And outshine those trying to get our stars now
All we have to do is figure out how strong we are
And what it takes to stay alive
Sync and learn what we can do to take 'em down
It's revenge and survive
For now, we know in part
And you can feel my heart
So help me to stay focused so I don't fall apart
I wanna be complete, it's not in me to retreat
I could lose on my own so I really need you with me
I gotta find out who killed my dad
I hear the voice of you in my mind
I gotta find out who killed my dad
I hear the voice of you in my mind so
My blood is pumping
I'm ready to fight when you are
Let's let no one break the bond that is ours
Show them what it means to be a shining star
You have my body
Let's fight as one
Can't move my feet in the dark, don't wanna be all alone
Can't feel the heat in my blood
Do you remember what he said?
Don't lose your way in your mind (I really need you with me)
We have to be as one (help me to stay focused)
Don't be afraid my sweetheart (I wanna be complete)
This is the way to be more strong (fight as one with me)
Harbor my deep secret, it makes me so blue (let's take 'em down)
(Be a shining star) run through this game before my body is dry
You have my body
I'm ready to fight when you are
Scapegoat ft. Yosh
馴染めた白 鳥かご隅 鼓動獲たツボミも
置き去り声 眩めた 記憶の影
I need your blood
You read love 唱える
足掻くRed light
嗅ぎ分けた音 こじ開けたReasonが
罪 音 Live and 死 and I
疑似Side heaven
キリがない「欲しい」でも 利害鳴る鈴
懺悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でたズレを辿る
木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐ
I must be sacrified
So can I help you all?
I'll be a scapegoat if I can
My resolution failed
And all who died
Light of day still hurts me
You so need to know
You don't need to go
You're waiting right here
A way for me to make it back
Some way I won't need to attack
Everything has gone so wrong
Come on break it down for me
A river will flow
You are not my enemy
I'll let you prove me wrong
You can trust me when I say
It won't be long
We're gonna see the end of night
Don't forsake me now
We haven't got the time
The fallen angels I run with all know
It's our fear that makes us all human after all
Torn old sepia photographs show
Our fragile, little world must reject it
Respond to the calling, screaming inside of my soul
It's my fear of loving what's dearest to us all
Sun is fading
It will set forever
Are you still my family?
A river will flow
You are not my enemy
I'll let you prove me wrong
You can trust me when I say
It won't be long
We're gonna see the end of night
Come on break it down for me
A river will flow
Keyがない「欲しい」でも 利害鳴る鈴
懺悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でた意図を辿る
木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐ
The fallen angels I run with all know
It's our fear that makes us all human after all
Torn old sepia photographs show
Our fragile little world must reject it
Respond to the calling, screaming inside of my soul
It's my fear of loving what's dearest to us all
Sun is fading
It will set forever
I must be sacrified
So can I help you all?
I'll be a scapegoat if I can
My resolution failed
And all who died
Light of day still hurts me
You so need to know
You don't need to go
You're waiting right here
A way for me to make it back
Some way I won't need to attack
Everything has gone so wrong
Come on break it down for me
A river will flow
You are not my enemy
I'll let you prove me wrong
You can trust me when I say
It won't be long
We're gonna see the end of night
Don't forsake me now
We haven't got the time
The fallen angels I run with all know
It's our fear that makes us all human after all
Torn old sepia photographs show
Our fragile, little world must reject it
Respond to the calling, screaming inside of my soul
It's my fear of loving what's dearest to us all
Sun is fading
It will set forever
Are you still my family?
A river will flow
You are not my enemy
I'll let you prove me wrong
You can trust me when I say
It won't be long
We're gonna see the end of night
Come on break it down for me
A river will flow
Ich reich dir meine Hand
Was siehst du in der Hand?
Dein verlorener Schatz
Was zögerst du?
Ich sag
Ich reich dir meine Hand
Was siehst du in der Hand?
Mein verlorener Schlüssel
Was zögerst du?
Bist du bereit, an die Front zu gehen?
Traust du dich, die Tür zu öffnen?
Die Kraft leuchtet wie der Vollmond
Die Zukunft kann man nur ändern, nicht kennen
Bist du bereit, an die Front zu gehen?
Traust du dich, die Tür zu öffnen?
Die Kraft leuchtet wie der Vollmond
Du weißt, was du tun sollst
die Sonne
der Mond
die Sterne
Sie werfen Licht auf die Welt
ein Dunkel lädt mich zur anderen Welt ein
ein Dunkel lädt mich zur Verdorbenheit ein
es ist schön, verdächtig und grässlich
Zweifel ist eine Pforte
die geht zum wertlosen Eden
Zweifel ist ein Zugang
der gert zum schönen Eden
starker Glaube ist ein dorniger Weg
mit einem Lichtschwert
Engel oder teufel
Guttat oder böse Tat
blaues Licht
schneid das tiefe Dunkel durch
schneid den dornigen Weg auf
blaues Feuer
verbrenne vollständig die andere Welt
Ao no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) OST
Symphonic Suite DEVIL Third Movement eXORCiST
Lyrics : Rie
Music: Hiroyuki Sawano
Background Vocal: uko Kawai, Yu Uchida, Yumiko Inoue, Hikaru, Hajime, Sen, Melo-J, KEI
the sun
the moon
the stars
They throw light on the world
Dark one invites me to another world
invite me to a dark depravity
it's nice and terribly suspicious
Doubt is a gate
that goes to the worthless Eden
Doubt is an access
siege to the beautiful Eden
strong faith is a thorny path
with a light saber
Angel or devil
Good deed and evil deed
blue light
cutting through the deep darkness
tapping on the thorny path
blue fire
burned completely to the other world
We came so far through the darkest of peaks
Undead will rise
Your brother dear
He fell to the sword of a mighty lord
Once upon a time
You remember peace?
The Land is cloaked in deepest blue
The shadow of eagles across the moon
Endure the pain, it's easy now
In words can I say it?
Dragon Rises
Are you dreaming or could this be real?
If you could feel so alive then just touch the sky
You cannot deny it you won't deny it
You will never deny it forever more
It's time to take a chance tonight
And make a move cause you can prove to
Just step across my fears
Rise above
Just do it trust that you can do it
You can do it I know you can rise above it
Just rise above
Just rise above it
Just rise above and prove us all
You are the one that holds the future
Trust yourself cause I know you can rise above it
Just rise above it
Just rise above and prove us all
Fate would have it, that this could be real
Cause you'll fell so alive when you touch the sky
You cannot deny it you won't deny it
You will never deny it forever more
You've gone and made this chance tonight
It's time to choose cause you can prove it
To step beyond your fears
Rise above
Just do it trust that you can do it
You can do it I know you can rise above it
Just rise above
Just rise above it
Just rise above and prove us all
You are the one that holds the future
Trust yourself cause I know you can rise above it
Just rise above it
Just rise above and prove us all
You can rise above it
You can rise above it
Gotta future to unfold
This life that you own
Just believe that you can go
The future is yours
Just rise above it
You can rise above it
This is the way the truth and you are the light
This is the way the truth and you are the light from here
Hearts bruise easily
How much strength our bodies have achieved
Won't you please forgive yourself?
And then tears will go above the sky
So sob bitterly in my arms
Just let go selfishly
You don't have to feel your guilt
That you walk ahead of your hope
Don't be afraid
The daybreak has come and there's no curtain to call
No regrets are needed among the world of you and I
You know we have made every damn single mistake
That's what it's all about, the life we survive
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無歌詞 No lyrics 😊
無歌詞 No lyrics 😊
無歌詞 No lyrics 😊
[Verse 1]
Longing for you day and in dream
I'm hoping you're here and leading my way
[Verse 2]
You steers my road anytime I need
If you walk away, I will follow you
[Verse 3]
Trying my life
With your secret gifts you gave to me
I won't vain and succeed it as your precious soul
[Verse 4]
Holding your hand
And I'm walking through the all of the world
Carrying your wish like the Venus in the dim sky
[Verse 3]
Trying my life
With your secret gifts you gave to me
I won't vain and succeed it as your precious soul
[Verse 4]
Holding your hand
And I'm walking through the all of the world
Carrying your wish like the Venus in the dim sky