Not Going Anywhere
[Verse 1]
This is why I always wonder
I'm a pond full of regrets
I always try to not remember rather than forget
[Verse 2]
This is why I always whisper
When vagabonds are passing by
I tend to keep myself away from their goodbyes
Tide will rise and fall along the bay
And I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
People come and go and walk away
But I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
[Verse 3]
This is why I always whisper
I'm a river with a spell
I like to hear but not to listen
I like to say but not to tell
[Verse 4]
This is why I always wonder
There's nothing new under the sun
I won't go anywhere so give my love to everyone
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Tide will rise and fall along the bay
And I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
People come and go and walk away
But I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
Tide will rise and fall along the bay
And I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
They come and go and walk away
But I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
They come and go and walk away
But I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
Polly left on Christmas Eve
I will know as long as I live that it was all
You had in mind
She was turning twenty-eight
And I always thought it's too late to tell you
I never cried
There was so many ways to hide
In the hours of waste
And I will be
More than it takes
To you
It was different time and place
How we used to sit on the fence and wait for her
Like a game
Polly knew but never said
The very little time that she had was easy on that day
There was so many ways to hide
In the hours of waste
And I will be
More than it takes
To you
Road Bin
Mind you believe me
And maybe forgive me
Rather than simply run
We're getting closer
Each time it's over
Cause you are the only one
Every beginning
Has a new screening
Of our broken plan
Next time you depart
Make sure we're apart
Cause love should be entertained
Does it have to be from far away
When you love me 'til you're bones?
Do we always have to hide away
In a road bin full of stones?
I could believe you
And maybe forgive you
Rather than simply bleed
But under the anger
Your handful of anger
Is handful of what I need
Every beginning
Has a new meaning
But what does it mean at all
You seem to pretend
That we'll never end but
Somehow I don't recall
Does it have to be from far away
When you love me 'til your bones?
Do we always have to hide away
In a road bin full of stones?
End of May
Close your eyes and roll a dice
Under the board there's a compromise
If after all we only lived twice
Which lies the run road to paradise
Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May
Close your eyes and make a bet
Face to the glare of the sunset
This is about as far as we get
You haven't seen me disguised yet
Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May
Close your eyes and make a wish
Under the stone there's a stonefish
Hold your breath then roll the dice
It might lead the run road to paradise
Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end...
Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May
Sailor & Widow
He was a sailor
A sailor at sea and a sailor of love
And he thought he could save her
Save her from innocence up and above
Cause he never knew freedom and under the duvet
He stayed for a lifetime without any government
Help or assistance
She was a widow
She never left home before seven a.m.
And she looked by the window
She managed to cry but she never feel blame
For the death of her husband who died in a flame by the house of the river
Although he remained
In a reasonable distance
All the children played around the neighborhood
All the children played around the neighborhood
The children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bent
All they had was eachother
He brought her flowers
A flesh in the pan as she didn't reply
And he waited for hours
Until she accepted to offer a smile
And a terrible whiskey she had for a while
That she'd sip every morning for breakfast and sigh
Since the month of december
They used to tango
Jump and parade until midnight or more
She convinced him to fargo
Drink lemonade with some awkward liquor
The she kissed him goodbye and attended the shore
Where she lit a big fire like never before
By the house of the river
All the children played around the neighborhood
All the children played around the neighborhood
The children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bent
All they had was eachother
She was a widow, again
She never left home before seven a.m.
And she looked by the window
She managed to cry but she never feel blame
For the death of her husband who died in a flame by the house of the river
Although he remained
In a reasonable distance
All the children played around the neighborhood
All the children played around the neighborhood
The children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bent
All she had was herself
Sit in the Sun
The pale blue light along the coast
Is one of those I miss the most
There was that day you touched my hair
And said "my love, it's so unfair..."
it's too late to sit in the sun
And lately we've just begun
cause it's too late to tell anyone
That lately we've just begun
but winds in life that draws the pier
Seems very far when you are here
There was that day you took my hand
And said "my love, that's where it ends..."
it's too late to sit in the sun
And lately we've just begun
But it's too late to tell everyone
That lately we've just begun
it's too late to sit in the sun
And lately we've just begun
It's too late to tell everyone
That lately we've just begun
the pale blue light along the coast
Remains the one I like the most
There was that day you touched my hair
And said "my love, it's so unfair..."
Right Now & Right Here
Over and over you wanted it so fast
Head on my shoulder I'll pour myself a glass
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to a lake
Then make a sad face and tell me it's to late
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
My love oh my dear
Over and over you wanted me to play
Head on my shoulder there's nothing left to say
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the sea
Then we can jump and pretend we disagree
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
Over and over we're turning off the light
Even the warriors are always great at night
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the moon
Then you can kiss me and say that it's too soon
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
Faces under water, look much closer
When they appear
Your hand on my shoulder
We'll be older in a year
In the morning after should I laugh or disappear
Look at me I'm only seventeen
The many years between us
Have been broken
Look at me under the evergreen
Life is a mellow dream
Almost unspoken
By the way
You said you're here to stay
Let me love you 'til tomorrow
Then it will last a year and a day
Maybe we're here to forget
Look at me, I'm only seventeen
It hasn't been too long
But it's been lonely
Look at me, and smell the tangerine
Life is a mellow song
But only only
By the time
You reach your lemon-lime
I will love you 'til tomorrow
Then it will last a year and a day
Maybe we're here to forget
Look at me, I'm only seventeen
It hasn't been too long
But it's been lonely
Look at me, under the evergreen
Life is a mellow song
If only only
Spanish Song Bird
Home is like a river of goodbye
Without a summer lullaby since you are gone
No one rings the bell from what I've heard
I'm all alone just like a bird without a song
Life is an endless parade, it's no sweet lemonade
Only an empty bottle left in the shade, oh boy
What have I done to make you go?
Where is the sun? Where is the snow when you are away?
Roses seem to fade upon my side
Since you have left, there is no night, there is no day
Life is an endless parade, it's no sweet lemonade
Only an empty bottle left in the shade, oh boy
Life is an endless parade, it's no sweet lemonade
Only an empty bottle left here under the shade.
By the Cathedral
Darling, I will remember, darling
I've been mellow and tender
I've seen water by the cathedral
Under the maple
It was in April
You wore a raincoat by the cathedral
I wasn't able, I was unable
Someday you will forgive me, darling
Someday you will believe that
I've seen thunder by the cathedral
Under the maple
It was in April you wore a raincoat
By the cathedral
I wasn't able, I was unable
Darling, I will remember, darling
I've been mellow and tender
I've seen water by the cathedral
I've seen thunder, but I wasn't able, darling
Ending Song
Sunny day no one is here...
In the morning rain there are no clouds
And I hear... (Follow me...)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
And I hear... (Follow me...)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
(Follow me)
Les rivières de janvier
Restons ici
Le soleil est moins pâle
Le vent moins sidéral
L'eau est bleue
Bleu turquoise
Tu vas mieux
D'ici on voit couler
Les rivières de janvier
Restons ici
Les jours ne passent pas
Et Paris est trop loin
L'aube est claire
Et la vie bien plus claire
D'ici on peut longer
Les rivières de janvier
Restons ici
Une nuit vas tomber
Et la nuit nous va bien
L'eau est bleue
Bleu foncé
Tu t'endors
Je ne fais que penser
Aux rivières de janvier
Restons ici
Le soleil est moins pâle
Le vent moins sidérale
L'eau est bleue
Bleu foncé
Tu t'endors
Je ne fais que penser
Aux rivières de janvier
J'ai dû faire demi-tour
Longer la rivière sans retour
J'ai dû faire de mon mieux
Tu ne m'as jamais prise au sérieux
Pourtant jamais, au grand jamais
Nul ne t'aimait comme moi, jamais
Je sais, j'ai fait la vie, la vraie
Mais la vraie vie à mon avis...
Est ailleurs où vivent les sirènes
Ailleurs où le courant nous mène
Ailleurs aux portes de l'Éden
Ailleurs au paradis ou même
Tout reprendre à zéro
Longer les méduses en radeau
Réécrire notre histoire
Refaire le grand jeu des grands soirs
Pourtant jamais, au grand jamais
Nul ne t'aimait comme moi, jamais
Je sais, j'ai fait la vie, la vraie
Mais la vraie vie à mon avis...
Est ailleurs où vivent les sirènes
Ailleurs où le courant nous mène
Ailleurs aux portes de l'Éden
Ailleurs au paradis ou même
Pourtant jamais, au grand jamais
Nul ne t'aimait comme moi, jamais
Je sais, j'ai fait la vie, la vraie
Mais la vraie vie à mon avis
Est ailleurs où vivent les sirènes
Ailleurs où le courant nous mène
Ailleurs aux portes de l'Éden
Ailleurs au paradis ou même
Ailleurs aux portes de l'Éden
Ailleurs au paradis ou même
Je sème les souvenir que j'aime
Toute seule ou en tandem
Mes années de bohème
J'ose faire d'un lys une rose
Prendre un temps, une pose
Je suis magicien d'Oz
J'oublie dans la lumière orange
Où je tutoie les anges
Je suis illusionniste
J'oublie que tu me manques hélas
Combien les années passent
Je ne suis pas un clown triste
J'aime rêver d'un carnaval
D'une aurore boréale
De l'Atlantique à l'Oural
J'ose malgré les ecchymoses
Parler de vie en rose
Refaire le monde en prose
J'oublie dans la lumière orange
Où je tutoies les anges
Je suis illusionniste
J'oublie que tu me manques hélas
Combien les années passent
Je ne suis pas un clown triste
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J'oublie dans la lumière orange
Où je tutoies les anges
Je suis illusionniste
J'oublie que tu me manques hélas
Combien les années passent
Je ne suis pas un clown triste
Le chien d'avant garde
Un endroit où aller
Un lit dans une chambre à coucher
Où l'on verrait le jour se lever
Une lettre envisagée
Cent fois, cent fois corrigée
Une aquarelle au mur accroché
Un doux vent d'hiver
Un front de mer
Un charmant soir d'été
Une villa abandonnée
Aux volets peints en vert
Depuis l'avant guerre
Où vivait un vieux chien de garde
Un peu d'avant garde
Un endroit où aller
A nous, rien qu'à nous y cacher
Jusqu'à la fin de la matinée
Une pièce à décorer
Un lit pour le petit dernier
Et puis encore des années après
Un doux vent d'hiver
Un front de mer
Un charmant soir d'été
Une villa abandonnée
Aux volets peints en vert
Depuis l'avant guerre
Où vivait un vieux chien de garde
Un peu d'avant garde
Jardin d'hiver
Je voudrais du soleil vert
Des dentelles et des théières
Des photos de bord de mer
Dans mon jardin d'hiver
Je voudrais de la lumière
Comme en Nouvelle-Angleterre
Je veux changer d'atmosphère
Dans mon jardin d'hiver
Ma robe à fleurs sous la pluie de novembre
Des mains qui courent, je n'en peux plus de t'attendre
Les années passent, qu'il est loin l'âge tendre
Nul ne peut nous entendre
Je voudrais du Fred Astaire
Revoir un Latécoère
Je voudrais toujours te plaire
Dans mon jardin d'hiver
Je veux déjeuner par terre
Comme au long des golfes clairs
T'embrasser les yeux ouverts
Dans mon jardin d'hiver
Ma robe à fleurs sous la pluie de novembre
Des mains qui courent, je n'en peux plus de t'attendre
Les années passent, qu'il est loin l'âge tendre
Nul ne peut nous entendre
Autour de l'arbre
Rien d'autre qu'un arbre
Une pomme et un peu de sable
Le vent dans les palmes
Se réveille au petit matin calme
Autour de nous
Il n'y a rien d'autre que nous
Autour de l'arbre
Il n'y a rien d'autre que nous
Rien d'autre qu'un arbre
Rien qu'une vue agréable
Rien qu'un peu de sable
Et rien d'autre autour de l'arbre
Autour de nous
Il n'y a rien d'autre que nous
Autour de l'arbre
Il n'y a rien d'autre que nous
Beautiful Day
You say it's been a crazy season
And other things about the snow
A daily weather conversation
We're both pretending to enjoy
And it will be a beautiful day
It will be a beautiful day
After all
Besides the thing that we agree on
I don't know where to draw the line
The smile of yours is worth a million
And I forgot the use of mine
Still it will be a beautiful day
It will be a beautiful day
After all
And it will be a beautiful day
It will be a beautiful day
It will be a beautiful day
It will be a beautiful day
After all
I Was Made to Love Magic
I was born to love no one
No one to love me
Only the wind in the long green grass
The frost in a broken tree
I was born to use my eyes
Dream with the sun and the skies
To float away in a lifelong song
In the mist where melody flies
I was made to love magic
All its wonder to know
But you all lost that magic
Many, many years ago
I was born to sail away
Into a land of forever
Not to be tied to an old stone grave
In your land of never
I was made to love magic
All its wonder to know
But you all lost that magic
Many, many years ago